a church service

Welcome to Providence

Living for God. Loving Without Limits. Serving with Purpose.

Finding Your Place

Study God's Word with people like you.

Bible Study is conducted each Wednesday Evening via GoToMeeting. PBC Pastors and Lay members come together each week and utilize a variety of approaches to study the Bible with the intention of gaining a richer understanding of God’s plan and purpose for us as individuals and as a faith community.

At Providence, we believe that giving is an act of worship that advances kingdom work. The sharing of tithes and offerings allows the church to meet our operational needs and promotes discipleship. Because of the faithful financial stewardship of our members and friends, Providence is able to spread the Gospel and share God’s love through outreach efforts in our local community, state, and nationally. Each and every act of generosity matters and helps change the life of the giver and the lives of others. Thank you for your support of the ministry of Providence Baptist Church. Listed below are a variety of ways for you to give tithes, offerings and gifts.

Worship at Providence

Latest Sermon

"The Gospel At Work" - Rev. Dr. Darryl Aaron, September 1, 2024

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Our Ministries

As Christians we believe that serving and sharing with others is an important act of worship. We have ministry activities within the church and community helping members use their time, talents, and resources in kingdom service.

Christian Education & Enrichment

Disciple & Stewardship

Missions & Community Engagement

Young Adults & College

Children & Youth


Music & Fine Arts

Fellowship & Service

A Call to Prayer

Prayer Requests

Please join us each Wednesday morning @ 7:00 AM (Eastern Standard Time) for prayer. The Intercessory Prayer Connection Call-In enables us to connect with one another and to God in prayer by dialing the free conference call #1-712-770-5505. Enter the access code, 609403, when prompted. You will immediately be connected with other saints to pray for our country, our leaders, our churches, our children, and the needs of others.

Submit A Prayer Request
little boy praying
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